Digital Cinema Packages

Making Sense of the SMPTE DCP Standard

Tue, 10/23/2018 - 11:48 -- Nick Dager

Despite the fact that the industry adopted an internationally ratified SMPTE DCP standard nearly a decade ago, there remains widespread confusion and disagreement about what constitutes a universally accepted digital cinema package. If that sentence makes no sense to you, you’re not alone. For months the European Digital Cinema Forum with sponsorship from the International Union of Cinemas has been developing a web portal to address this problem. Their mission statement is, “To act as an informational resource for the industry on the SMPTE DCP and its operational use, and to provide a point of reference of on-boarding for those individuals/organizations willing to aid in the transitional process on a territory by territory basis.”

AAM: Creating the Path to Cinema’s Future

Tue, 07/24/2018 - 13:04 -- Nick Dager

Arts Alliance Media first opened its doors in London June 17, 2003. In those very early days of digital cinema, the new company and its ten employees carved out a space in technology and what was then called alternative content. The company divested itself of the alternative content business a few years ago to focus on what has long been its core strength: cinema technology. AAM launched its first theatre management system in 2007 and, in 2008, completed the first virtual print fee rollout in Europe with French chain CGR. Today AAM has more than 140 employees spread over three offices in London, Amsterdam, and Guangzhou, China. I recently spoke via email with AAM’s chief executive officer Patrick Foley, and chief technology officer Richard Phillips about those early days of the company and, more importantly, to get their thoughts about the future of digital cinema technology.

FilmLight Offering Worldwide Master Classes on Color

Tue, 05/08/2018 - 12:09 -- Nick Dager

To help colorists, cinematographers and the wider production and post industry understand the opportunities and challenges that high dynamic range and new delivery formats bring, FilmLight is taking intensive and specialist master classes on a world tour. Dates are already set for London (May 15), Mumbai (May 16), Hollywood (June 4) and Seoul (June 7), with more to be added.

Éclair Announces Theatrical Delivery Agreement with Diagonal for Switzerland

Wed, 06/21/2017 - 16:19 -- Nick Dager

Éclair today announced a theatrical delivery agreement with Zurich-based Diagonal to offer service solutions to film studios, distributors and cinema exhibitors. The three-year contract is effective immediately and covers Diagonal’s home base in Switzerland and Éclair's key markets, including France, Benelux, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy and UK.


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