
Filmworkers, Churchill Studios Stage Shark Attack for La Quinta

Fri, 06/12/2015 - 12:19 -- Nick Dager

Man-eating sharks turn cuddly in a new campaign for La Quinta. Filmworkers and Churchill Studio provided the inspired computer generated magic for Swim in which a businessman is dropped into a dive tank filled with blood thirsty sea creatures. The campaign was conceived by DDB Chicago, and directed by David McNally of Company Films.

Filmworkers Celebrate Modern Southern Music for Belk

Thu, 05/01/2014 - 14:41 -- Nick Dager

Matt Egan has directed Nashville star Hayden Panettiere in a new commercial for Belk that is part of the fashion brand’s Modern Southern Music campaign. Filmworkers provided post-production services for the glamorous commercial, produced by Coin-Operated Films, which captures the actress arriving on location at the newly-renovated Country Music Hall of Fame for an evening shoot.

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