Theater Management Systems

Hoyts Cinema Group Installs Optus Technology

Mon, 07/22/2024 - 11:35 -- Nick Dager

The Hoyts Group has installed an improved and fully immersive, connected cinema experience, using Optus network technology to better serve millions of movie-goers. Customer experiences including tickets sales, in-cinema food and drink orders and flexible payment options increasingly rely on a secure and dependable network, in addition to supporting functions such as scheduling of movies, trailers and pre-show content.

Cinema West Thrives with AAM Screenwriter

Wed, 05/29/2024 - 08:58 -- Nick Dager

Having previously employed another industry recognized theatre management system, Cinema West Theatres encountered numerous weekly challenges, including excessive time dedicated to content management, subpar performance, and frequent loss of shows resulting in revenue loss. Recognizing the need for change, senior management sought a better solution. Following a successful trial of Arts Alliance Media’s Screenwriter at Palladio 16 and Palladio Luxe, their most prominent, multi-format location, in 2022, Cinema West proceeded to implement Arts Alliance Media’s flagship theatre management software across their entire circuit, resulting in substantial time savings, decreased revenue loss, and a notable reduction in support tickets; each contributing towards an improved experience and healthier, more sustainable business.

GDC Featuring Cinema Automation CA2.0 at CinemaCon 2024

Tue, 04/09/2024 - 09:53 -- Nick Dager

GDC Technology Limited announced today that by the end of 2023, its Cinema Automation CA2.0 had been deployed in nearly 400 multiplexes with its SR-1000 IMB integrated media block in 19 countries across four continents including Africa, Asia, Europe and North America. GDC is showcasing its Cinema Automation CA2.0 at CinemaCon 2024, which runs through April 11.


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