Westpac OpenAir Cinema, BindiMaps, Make Movies More Accessible

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Tue, 02/13/2024 - 12:57 -- Nick Dager

Australia’s Westpac is using BindiMaps, a digital wayfinding startup, to make the OpenAir Cinema season more accessible for moviegoers with disabilities. This collaboration marks a significant stride towards inclusivity and will see the introduction of BindiMaps' navigation app and BindiWeb platform at the cinema.

Australia’s Westpac is using BindiMaps, a digital wayfinding startup, to make the OpenAir Cinema season more accessible for moviegoers with disabilities. This collaboration marks a significant stride towards inclusivity and will see the introduction of BindiMaps' navigation app and BindiWeb platform at the cinema.BindiMaps' technology changes the way people with disabilities navigate the OpenAir Cinema, providing step-by-step audio directions and detailed venue information. This feature allows users who are blind or have low vision to move about the cinema independently, easily locating amenities such as restrooms, food stalls, and wheelchair-accessible seating.

The BindiMaps app and BindiWeb platform are designed to offer a comprehensive understanding of the venue's layout, ensuring that users can confidently and safely find their way around. This inclusive initiative not only enhances the cinema experience for people with disabilities but also encourages greater participation in social events, fostering a more inclusive community.

As part of the partnership, Westpac OpenAir Cinema will host the premiere of Touch, Australia's first feature-length film created specifically for people with low vision and those who are blind. The movie showcases the power of inclusivity and the importance of catering to diverse audiences.

The film's production involved a meticulous process to ensure it would be enjoyable and accessible to its intended audience. By utilizing techniques such as enhanced audio descriptions, 3D soundscapes, and minimal dialogue, Touch invites viewers to immerse themselves in a captivating narrative that transcends traditional visual storytelling.