Distribution & Exhibition

Kathryn Jacob Named President of SAWA Global Cinema Advertising Association

Tue, 05/10/2022 - 08:53 -- Nick Dager

SAWA Global Cinema Advertising Association has announced that Kathryn Jacob OBE has been named president-elect of the global trade body. Jacob will assume the role when Florian Weischer, CEO Weischer.Cinema, steps down after an eight-year term on August 1. She will be the first female president in SAWA’s 68-year history.

PVR Cinemas, Xperia, Bring Immersive Experiences to Cinema Advertising

Mon, 05/09/2022 - 09:58 -- Nick Dager

PVR Cinemas, India’s largest film exhibitor, has introduced experiential in-cinema advertising for what it says is the first time in the cinema advertising domain. The innovation in collaboration with Xperia Group, an out-of-home media company hopes to create immersive experiences for the consumer for advertising content across different touch points in the cinema.

Megaverse VR Theatre Opening in Atlanta

Mon, 05/02/2022 - 10:16 -- Nick Dager

What is being called the world’s first interactive virtual-reality theatre is opening in Atlanta. Created by new technology company Exploring Digital, the new theatre, called the Megaverse, combines VR headsets and hand controls with a multi-sensory haptic experience unlike anything on the market. With unlimited freedom to move, people physically interact in this VR theatre, literally stepping into a metaverse environment.


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