Visual Effects

The Destruction of Lamentis-1

Mon, 08/09/2021 - 11:54 -- Nick Dager

In the third episode of Marvel Studios’ episodic series Loki, the characters Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) find themselves on the doomed alien moon Lamentis-1 orbiting a planet on the verge of total collapse. The location sets the stage for a photorealistic look at celestial destruction, but it also offers a glimpse of humanity’s all-too-possible future. Created by Oscar-winning visual effects studio Digital Domain, it is unique and visually stunning. [Editor’s Note: Warning. This article contains spoilers.]

NEP Launches Virtual Production Business

Wed, 08/04/2021 - 09:16 -- Nick Dager

The NEP Group has launched a virtual production business segment, to be called NEP Virtual Studios, bringing on board industry leaders in real-time production with the acquisition of Prysm Collective, Lux Machina and Halon Entertainment. As part of this new venture, NEP welcomes a group of experts and world-class talent, including entertainment industry veteran Cliff Plumer to lead this new segment, Jeff Ruggels as senior vice president of finance and operations, Phil Galler and Zach Alexander as co-presidents of the Lux Machina NEP Business Unit, and Daniel Gregoire and Chris Ferriter as executive creative director and president, respectively, of the Halon NEP Business Unit.


Black Widow’s Back Story

Mon, 07/26/2021 - 10:53 -- Nick Dager

In Marvel Studios’ Black Widow, the title character confronts the demons of her past in a spectacular – and explosive – fashion. After discovering a flying fortress hidden in the clouds, the Avenger puts on a master class in destruction, leading to an airborne battle with heroes and villains dodging flaming wreckage as they approach terminal velocity. It’s one of the most visually complex and technically demanding scenes ever seen on film, made possible by Marvel Studios’ longtime collaborator, Digital Domain. [Editor’s Note: Warning. This article contains spoilers.]

Brittany Herriman, Data Wrangler

Wed, 06/30/2021 - 11:36 -- Nick Dager

As a senior data wrangler at Rising Sun Pictures, Brittany Herriman helps keep the studio’s production pipeline running in high gear. Her role is to manage the vast amounts of data exchanged each day between RSP and motion pictures studios and other production partners. Media arriving at the studio must be accessible to artists working in various aspects of visual effects production. Finished work needs to be delivered on time and on spec to stakeholders around the globe.

Chelsea Mirus Realizes Her Dream

Wed, 06/02/2021 - 11:17 -- Nick Dager

An Adelaide native, Chelsea Mirus trained at Rising Sun Pictures in 2016 while working toward a Media Arts degree from the University of South Australia. Moving quickly into a staff position as a visual effects coordinator at RSP, she worked on a string of high-profile projects including Captain Marvel, Alita: Battle Angel, Thor: Ragnarok and Game of Thrones. Then, in 2019, she accepted a post with Important Looking Pirates, a VFX studio based in Stockholm, Sweden, and moved halfway around the globe to become part of a team attached to such hit shows as The Mandalorian, Westworld, Lost in Space and The Stand.

Technicolor Goes “Beyond Imagination”

Thu, 05/20/2021 - 09:46 -- Nick Dager

Technicolor has launched Technicolor Creative Studios, forming a collaborative global structure to drive innovation and creativity across its family of studios. As the company’s flagship division, it will focus on the transformation of the entertainment, experiential, and advertising industries. Technicolor Creative Studios’ new proposition – Beyond Imagination – comes from a desire to spark unparalleled creativity, pushing the boundaries of the imagination to bring groundbreaking and unforgettable ideas to life.


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