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Test Pilots

Thu, 01/23/2014 - 15:20 -- James Mathers

The industry doesn’t do as many pilots as in years past, which is a shame, because they can be a valuable format for testing not just story ideas and actors but new technology. In my role covering new cinema technology for the Digital Cinema Society I am often offered gear to test and evaluate, everything from new lighting units and cameras to various digital cinema recorders. Since I need to keep busy earning my living as a director of photography, I honestly don’t have time to run scientific tests, so I prefer instead to use the gear in real world productions I’m hired to work on. You could call me a technology test pilot. I get a better sense of how these tools perform where the rubber hits the road, and it’s a good way to help out the productions I’m working on, pulling in items they might not otherwise be able to afford. The perfect opportunity to put many of these items through their paces came up recently when I was asked to shoot a feature length pilot for a new action/adventure show aimed at young adults entitled, Tribe of the Wild.

Hula Post’s Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Thu, 01/23/2014 - 14:48 -- Nick Dager

Hula Post Production provided editorial systems, facilities and support to editor Melissa Kent and her crew during the production of the indie film Louder Than Words, the new dramatic feature from Identity Films. Hula set up and maintained a remote editorial facility in Connecticut, where the film spent five weeks shooting, and later provided editorial facilities at its Tribeca West location in West Los Angeles.

Playtime Posted at The Look on Mistika

Thu, 01/23/2014 - 14:42 -- Nick Dager

The Look has finished Playtime, a 70-minute, seven-screen artwork installation created by celebrated video artist Isaac Julien. Designed to explore the relevant and dramatically nuanced subject of capital, the creatively and technically challenging feat is available for viewing January 24 through March 1 at Victoria Miro Gallery in London before being showcased around the world.

Trizz Makes Long Distance Call with Frankie

Thu, 01/09/2014 - 14:57 -- Nick Dager

Barcelona creative shop Trizz is known for its unconventional work, directing and designing for a mix of 3D, VFX and experience design, including multi-touch, interactive and projection mapping. Its work appears in TVCs, art galleries, publications and even during concerts and other live events. Chris Vulpi and Oriol Puig, who co-founded Trizz in 2009, say they have identified inefficiencies in the VFX and post industry and applied a more streamlined, workable model to their business.

Understanding the Changing Nature of Filmed Stories

Wed, 01/08/2014 - 12:42 -- Nick Dager

Filmmaker Matt Ogens latest effort is a feature length documentary called Meet the Hitlers. When he selects the right for any of his projects his first thought, though, is how best to tell the story is wants to convey. “It all comes down to telling great stories,” said Ogens. “There are different types of stories, and the nature of the story itself may change how I capture it on film. To decide on that, I collaborate with a director of photography and ask what type of camera he or she thinks is best for each project from a creative perspective, but sometimes the reality of a budget may also dictate what cameras are available to me. We will discuss the look I want for the story and then the DP and I will choose the camera.”

TCL Chinese Theatres Names Christie its “Official 4K Digital Projection Partner”

Tue, 01/07/2014 - 15:20 -- Nick Dager

TCL Chinese Theatres has named Christie its official 4K digital projection partner for the renovated TCL Chinese Theatres in Hollywood. Christie digital cinema projectors have also been installed exclusively at the adjacent TCL Chinese 6 Theatres.

Finding Authentic Stories for Nonfiction Films

Mon, 01/06/2014 - 11:35 -- Nick Dager

Mark Mooney’s Crescent Moon Pictures, located outside of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina focuses primarily on shooting resort and high-end residential community development. “We’ve found an emotional approach to our programs and projects, which reflect what we call the authentic story of a place and why it is the place to live or visit,” he says.


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