Visual Effects

SGO Releases Mamba FX v2.0

Thu, 07/10/2014 - 12:56 -- Nick Dager

SGO has released version 2.0 of Mamba FX, which gives compositors new toolsets that extend the existing SGO product line and draw on Mistika's compositing and image quality technology. The company says the update also adds several innovative features and functionality.

Creative Post Breaks Ice in the Wonders of the Arctic 3D

Thu, 06/12/2014 - 15:14 -- Nick Dager

The $4 million Wonders of the Arctic 3D natural world epic marks Science North's fifth IMAX production in conjunction with Lickley and Chicago’s Giant Screen Films. The 42-minute film, which focuses on the effects of climate change to the Arctic environment and the impact on humans and animals, such as the resilient Inuit peoples and Polar bears that reside there, has been distributed in more than 100 theatres around the world.

The Foundry to Launch Live Sessions June 19

Thu, 06/05/2014 - 15:30 -- Nick Dager

The Foundry is launching the first Foundry Sessions with a live transmission from its London headquarters on Thursday June 19 at 7pm British Summer Time. People who can’t participate in the live event will be able to access a recording on The Foundry’s website afterwards. The Session will be a one hour digital broadcast including live Q&A via #TFsessions enabling participants anywhere to interact with guest speakers and specialists from @TheFoundryTeam.

Voyager Relies on Shotgun Software for Cosmos

Thu, 05/22/2014 - 16:25 -- Nick Dager

Voyager Pictures, the production company behind Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey has been using Shotgun Software to keep the 13-episode series’ demanding visual effects deliverables on schedule. Shotgun is the film, TV and game development industries’ trusted platform for production management and review, and as talent moves from visual effects facilities into production companies, many are choosing to bring Shotgun along for the ride.

Technicolor-PostWorks New York Completes Post for Noah

Mon, 05/19/2014 - 14:58 -- Nick Dager

Technicolor-PostWorks New York did the post on Noah.Technicolor-PostWorks New York marked its third collaboration with Darren Aronofsky in providing post-production services for Noah, the director’s epic inspired by the story of Noah in the Old Testament. The facility provided everything from 35mm film processing to editorial conforming and final color grading.


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