
Amazon Creates Immersive Cinema Ad

Fri, 08/05/2022 - 10:56 -- Nick Dager

Amazon’s Alexa team has created an immersive 30-second cinema commercial, designed to reinforce the message that Alexa makes smart homes easier. The commercial begins with a voice-over giving a command to Alexa to dim the lights. To the audience’s surprise, not only do the lights in the film dim, but the theatre lights dim as well.

GDC to Showcase New Technology at Big Cine Expo 2022

Wed, 08/03/2022 - 12:09 -- Nick Dager

GDC Technology Limited announced today that the company will showcase its latest products at Big Cine Expo 2022, an interactive and value-added platform for theatre owners, equipment manufacturers, system integrators and the user community for single-screen and multiplex cinema entertainment in Asia and India. Big Cine Expo will take place August 16-17 at the Chennai Trade Center.


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