High Frame Rate Filmmaking

Ang Lee to Speak on Cinema’s Future

Tue, 03/15/2016 - 11:54 -- Nick Dager

The 2016 NAB Show's The Future of Cinema Conference: The Immortal Movie, produced in partnership with SMPTE, will explore how content creators and storytellers combine artistry with motion-imaging technology to thrive today — and into the future. Acclaimed film director Ang Lee will give the keynote address, Pushing the Limits of Cinema, and discuss his vision for cinema and the creative opportunities for the future of filmmaking.


Ateme Joins Scenarists’s UHDG Focus Group

Wed, 06/10/2015 - 11:56 -- Nick Dager

Ateme has joined Scenarist’s Ultra HD BD focus group called the UHDG. As part of the UHDG, Ateme is working closely with Scenarist to provide HEVC high dynamic range and high frame rate encoding technology in UHD resolution to Scenarist UHD customers who are developing the first titles for Ultra HD Blu-ray. The group says the result of the collaboration will significantly help UHDG authoring companies and content owners to deliver blockbuster movies in thrilling ultra high definition UHD resolution with a greatly expanded color and brilliance.

Barco Alchemy Projectors Now Supported by AAM’s Screenwriter TMS

Wed, 06/18/2014 - 12:41 -- Nick Dager

Barco announced today that Arts Alliance Media’s Screenwriter Theater Management System is the first TMS to support Barco’s Alchemy integrated cinema media processor. This feature will be available to all current and future Screenwriter users, allowing them to easily integrate projection systems equipped with the Barco Alchemy technology into their circuits.

Douglas Trumbull’s UFOTOG Premieres May 11

Thu, 05/08/2014 - 14:38 -- Nick Dager

Filmmaker and visual effects legend Douglas Trumbull is partnering with Christie on May 11 to premiere UFOTOG, a dramatic 10-minute experimental sci-fi story about a lone man attempting to photograph UFOs. Directed by Trumbull and created in 4K 3D at 120 frames per second, the short film will be screened on a Christie Mirage 4K35, the 4K DLP resolution projector running at 120Hz, at the Seattle Cinerama Theater’s 2nd Annual Sci-Fi Film Festival.

4K HFR Oklahoma! Restoration Premieres in Hollywood

Fri, 05/02/2014 - 10:37 -- Nick Dager

The fully restored and digitally mastered 4K high frame rate version of the hit musical Oklahoma! premiered at the TCM Classic Film Festival on April 10 at the TCL Chinese Theater in Hollywood. This historic screening of the 1955 Todd-AO classic is the first time a high bitrate and HFR DCP has been created and exhibited as part of the restoration of a feature film classic.

Seattle Cinerama to Premiere Douglas Trumbull’s UFOTOG

Tue, 04/15/2014 - 14:15 -- Nick Dager

Paul G. Allen’s iconic Seattle Cinerama Theater has announced its second annual Science Fiction Festival, running May 1-12, with 12 days of special programming. The festival will be highlighted by the world premiere of Douglas Trumbull’s short film UFOTOG, along with screening of more than three-dozen of the science fiction genre's most beloved movies and celebrity appearances by Jonathan Frakes, Tom Skerritt and Sam J. Jones

Barco Adds Alchemy to Digital Cinema Projector Line

Thu, 03/20/2014 - 11:10 -- Nick Dager

Barco has introduced what the company is calling “a groundbreaking update” for its digital cinema projector families. Named Barco Alchemy, this new generation combines media server functionalities with cinema processing electronics to further increase reliability and ease-of-use in the projection booth. The Barco Alchemy technology is fully compatible with all new and installed Series 2 Barco projectors. The company says that the 4K Barco Alchemy projectors are the first to show 4K movies at 60 frames per second and 4K 3D content on a single projector.

Panasonic Unveils 4K VariCam 35 Camera

Wed, 03/05/2014 - 12:27 -- Nick Dager

Panasonic has unveiled a 4K camera/recorder, VariCam 35 that incorporates a newly developed super 35mm MOS image sensor and the company’s AVC-ULTRA family of video codecs. The new camera handles multiple formats including 4K, UHD, 2K and HD and is designed for high-end filmmaking, and commercials and episodic production as well as live 4K events.


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