Color Grading

The Colors of American Dreams in China

Tue, 12/23/2014 - 12:07 -- Nick Dager

American Dreams in China, director Peter Chan's first digital cinema effort, was shot on Arri Alexa and recorded on Codex. Chan’s strong affection for the filmic look determined how the film would be graded and finished in post. Colorist Antonio Zhang of the Chinese facility Post Production Office Group supervised the entire process.

Pakistan’s Film Business Reborn with Main Hoon Shahid Afridi

Fri, 08/22/2014 - 11:11 -- Nick Dager

Pakistan post house Darkroom Asia has won a major contract with ARY Films as a strategic partner in providing post-production and VFX-related services. Darkroom Asia CEO Salman Hasan credits the company’s new SGO Mistika 4K system with sealing the deal. The first project was the feature film Main Hoon Shahid Afridi, which some say marks the rebirth of the Pakistan film industry.

The Room Transforms a Black and White World

Tue, 08/19/2014 - 15:16 -- Nick Dager

The Room, the boutique finishing facility located within Technicolor-PostWorks, New York, recently completed two months of post-production finishing on The Giver, the new film from director Phillip Noyce and The Weinstein Company. In a project involving numerous creative and technical challenges, the facility handled editorial conforming and color grading. The latter included applying the finishing touch to an onscreen world that undergoes a gradual transition from black & white to color.


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