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Zooming into Cinema

Fri, 10/02/2015 - 12:34 -- Nick Dager

When Fujinon added the PL 19-90mm zoom lens to its Cabrio line, the company anticipated resistance from the cinema community. As Mike Nichols, business development manager for sales and rental house AbelCine puts it, “Most feature film DP’s are accustomed to primes and prefer a more traditional cinema-style lens, particularly in a narrative set up. And while the removable servo is convenient, DPs may not yet see it as a lens that’ll work in a cinematic set up.” That’s starting to change.

Dragon Ball Z: A Group Effort

Tue, 09/29/2015 - 13:11 -- Nick Dager

As is the case with most things in life, the major success that Group 1200 Media has had with the Dragon Ball Z movie series boils down to one thing: a lot of hard work by a dedicated group of talented people serving a vibrant, loyal audience. Group 1200 Media is the parent company of a range of companies including Funimation, the anime division, and Funimation Films, the film distribution department. Funimation Entertainment recently announced that the home video release of the Group’s latest success, the anime film Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F will be available on digital HD starting October 9 and at retail outlets throughout the U.S. and Canada starting October 20.

Ant-Man, a Unique Perspective

Thu, 09/24/2015 - 11:41 -- Nick Dager

Ant-Man is a comic-book superhero that uses a special suit to shrink in size while gaining in strength. In the latest Marvel creation for the big screen, Ant-Man’s adventures involve a battle against a foe that uses similar technology for nefarious ends. The project, directed by Peyton Reed and photographed by Russell Carpenter ASC, extends the strong and successful working relationship between Marvel and Codex. Issues of scale and how to convincingly present it to the audience dominated most of the decisions about cinematography and visual effects. For guidance, the filmmakers looked at films with similar characters going all the way back to Darby O’Gill and the Little People, photographed with extensive forced perspective and giant props in 1959 by Winton Hoch ASC.

A Real Headcase

Wed, 09/23/2015 - 11:47 -- Nick Dager

Virtual reality has opened up a wide range of opportunities for innovation and storytelling, both for manufacturers and for the early adopters that are rewriting the book on how to use this new toolset. One of these early adopters is cinematographer Andrew Shulkind, one of the driving forces behind Headcase, which is the name both of a collaboration between filmmakers and a camera. As well as being a successful DP, Shulkind has always enjoyed experimenting with new and unique movie-making technologies, whether it’s lighting, cameras, lenses or workflows. Codex is one of the partners in Headcase and made this interview possible.


Shooting Digital, Reluctantly

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 11:31 -- Nick Dager

Two-time Oscar nominee John Mathieson BSC (Gladiator, The Phantom of the Opera, Robin Hood, 47 Ronin) recently completed work on The Man from U.N.C.L.E., an update of the stylish 1960s television series of the same name. Mathieson says that he would have preferred to shoot film, but that the demise of some of the major film laboratories in the U.K. made it impossible. He did shoot a little bit of 16mm film on a wind-up Bolex (processed at Bucks Laboratories) for the opening of the film, to bridge some archival footage from the period with the main storyline. In some ways, the colors and textures of the period production design lent themselves to digital, he says.

Post Haste Digital Forms Strategic Alliance with Larson Studios

Mon, 09/21/2015 - 12:32 -- Nick Dager

Independent post-production facilities Post Haste Digital and Larson Studios have joined forces to extend audio and video post-production services in West Los Angeles. As part of the arrangement, Hollywood-based Larson will operate the Main Stage in Post Haste’s Culver City facility, where the studio will service its Westside clients and also lend talent to Post Haste projects. Upcoming projects to be mixed in Larson’s new Stage 10 include Fox’s re-boot of the cult sci-fi series The X-Files.

Tim McVey, Gamer Legend

Fri, 09/18/2015 - 11:45 -- Nick Dager

If you grew up in the ‘80s it’s likely that at one time or another you found yourself inside a video arcade playing video games for hours on end at just 25 cents a pop. It was during this time period that a farm boy named Tim McVey from Ottumwa, Iowa—the Dodge City of video games— became the champion of Nibbler, the first arcade game with a scoring threshold of one billion points. It took McVey more than forty hours—and only cost him one quarter—to hit this milestone.

Maze Runner Sequel Opens in Barco Escape

Thu, 09/17/2015 - 13:16 -- Nick Dager

Last year Barco Escape debuted to audiences in the United States and Europe with The Maze Runner, earning rave reviews from moviegoers and critics. Directed by Wes Ball and released this month by 20th Century Fox, Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials picks up where the original film left off, with Gladers facing a new set of challenges on the open roads of a desolate landscape filled with unimaginable obstacles.


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