High Dynamic Range

Dolby Cinema Today

Wed, 08/22/2018 - 11:01 -- Nick Dager

When the decision was made – more than a decade ago – to convert all the movie theatres in to world to digital technology it unleashed a spirit of innovation that shows no signs of stopping. Certainly, challenges remain, but the savviest exhibitors have learned to embrace new ideas as the best way to stay ahead in an increasingly competitive business. One of the technology leaders in all of this has been Dolby Laboratories.

MixCine, China, to Open Dolby Cinemas

Tue, 08/21/2018 - 11:20 -- Nick Dager

Dolby and the Wanying Cinema Line Company Limited have announced a partnership to extend the Dolby Cinema experience to more moviegoers in China. The exhibitor, which is wholly owned by China Resources Land Limited, operates movie theatres across China with the brand MixCine. The first location under the agreement is expected to be open at Wanying’s flagship site in Shenzhen with more locations to come in Southeast China in the following two years.

Éclair Certifies Its Berlin Content Services Facility

Thu, 08/16/2018 - 11:40 -- Nick Dager

Éclair today announced the ÉclairColor certification of its content services unit in Berlin. This is the second ÉclairColor certification of an Éclair facility after Paris-Vanves. Two German releases have already been mastered in ÉclairColor by Éclair’s Berlin teams: Jacob Lass’ So Was Von Da, opening in cinemas across Germany today, and Florian Gallenberger’s Grüner Wird’s Nicht, opening August 30.

Playing with the Color Space

Mon, 06/18/2018 - 12:31 -- Nick Dager

Manuel Canchola is a freelance colorist based in Mexico City. He works on a mixture of commercials, television and film and uses this variety to continuously improve his skills as a colorist. Canchola, a passionate advocate for new technology and, in particular, high dynamic range, recently spoke with Digital Cinema Report about his career and his work in color grading.

Samsung Selects Arri Alexa Footage to Showcase Onyx Cinema LED Screens

Tue, 06/05/2018 - 12:28 -- Nick Dager

Samsung has selected footage captured with Arri Alexa cameras to showcase their Onyx 4K cinema LED displays. By using an array of modular LED panels to replace cinema projectors, the Samsung Cinema LED displays offer a completely new format of a cinema screen to enhance movie experiences. The technology displays Ultra Contrast with true blacks, high dynamic range and P3 color with supreme accuracy.

Cameron Shooting Avatar Sequels with Sony Venice

Mon, 06/04/2018 - 12:02 -- Nick Dager

James Cameron’s Lightstorm Entertainment will use Sony’s new Venice motion picture camera system for principal photography on the upcoming Avatar sequels. The first Avatar movie, released in 2009 and also shot on Sony professional cameras, shattered box office records with its compelling story, immersive 3D and stunning visuals. These newest entries in the franchise promise to up the visual ante significantly with enhanced special effects, more elaborate production requirements and challenging live action sequences.

FilmLight Offering Worldwide Master Classes on Color

Tue, 05/08/2018 - 12:09 -- Nick Dager

To help colorists, cinematographers and the wider production and post industry understand the opportunities and challenges that high dynamic range and new delivery formats bring, FilmLight is taking intensive and specialist master classes on a world tour. Dates are already set for London (May 15), Mumbai (May 16), Hollywood (June 4) and Seoul (June 7), with more to be added.


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