
Alcons Audio Goes for the Gold

Wed, 08/30/2017 - 15:26 -- Nick Dager

While large multiplex cinema chains compete on quantity, smaller independent venues are finding a new market by specializing in quality. An example is RSB Cinemas, a Dutch company that has recently opened its second venue where cinemagoers can enjoy a new level of quality and personal service. Located in Veldhoven, just a few kilometres from the centre of Eindhoven, each of the new-build Cinema Gold’s four rooms features large, comfortable chairs with tables, at-seat luxury snacks and drinks, ordered via each seat’s service button at any time, and spectacular quality movies, thanks to Alcons pro-ribbon 7.1 channel surround sound systems and Barco Flagship laser cinema projectors.

Storyline Changes the Audio Workflow

Mon, 07/10/2017 - 12:40 -- Nick Dager

For Gisle Tveito, a 26-year veteran, supervising sound editor, dubbing mixer, and one of the owners of Storyline, getting the sound design process to run closer to parallel with the video editing process has always been a goal. While many sound departments wait for picture-lock before starting to work on the sound, the team at Storyline is breaking the mold of the traditional serial workflow by closely aligning audio with video editors from the first cut.



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