Production & Post-Production

The Artistry of Jungle Book: Part 2

Tue, 02/28/2017 - 11:38 -- Nick Dager

Director Jon Favreau’s The Jungle Book won this year’s Oscar for Best Visual Effects. A Walt Disney Picture, the movie is unique because the only live action character, the boy Mowgli, was shot on bluescreen while everything else was computer-generated. The visual effects team included key talent from Technicolor and its subsidiary, the Moving Picture Company. In part two of our five-part series, MPC chief technology officer Damien Fagnou describes some of challenges and complexities presented in producing this daunting artistic and technological undertaking.

MTI Film Expands to Support HDR

Tue, 02/28/2017 - 11:18 -- Nick Dager

MTI Film has completed a major expansion of its Hollywood facility designed to accommodate growing demand for post-production services and support for high dynamic range content. The expansion includes the addition of two new color-grading suites and an editorial finishing suite, all HDR capable.


Making Mayhem

Tue, 02/28/2017 - 11:07 -- Nick Dager

Story’s John Komnenich recently directed Allstate chairman and CEO Tom Wilson and actor Dean Winters in a 30-second TV spot produced for Leo Burnett. In the ad, Wilson has trouble reading his lines due to a prankster holding his cue cards. He contorts his body to make out the words on the moving card. A cut to the camera crew reveals the culprit: Allstate’s malicious troublemaker Mayhem.


The Artistry of Jungle Book: Part 1

Mon, 02/27/2017 - 13:33 -- Nick Dager

Director Jon Favreau’s The Jungle Book won this year’s Oscar for Best Visual Effects. A Walt Disney Picture, the movie is unique because the only live action character, the boy Mowgli, was shot on bluescreen while everything else was computer-generated. The visual effects team included key talent from Technicolor and its subsidiary, the Moving Picture Company. In part one of our five-part series, Adam Valdez, visual effects supervisor with MPC explains how teamwork, talent and a pursuit of excellence combined to create a movie that has been widely acclaimed for its artistic and technological accompaniments.

Colorist Bryan McMahan Joins Roundabout Entertainment

Thu, 02/23/2017 - 13:05 -- Nick Dager

Veteran digital colorist Bryan McMahan has joined Roundabout Entertainment. A frequent collaborator of Terrence Malick, McMahan has colored six films for the director dating back to the 2005 release The New World and including Weightless, slated for release next year. He has also worked with directors William Friedkin (Killer Joe), Robert Towne (Ask the Dust), Gore Verbinski (The Ring) and John Woo (Face/Off).

Hula Post Develops VR Workstation

Thu, 02/23/2017 - 09:24 -- Nick Dager

Hula Post, Hollywood, has developed an all-in-one workstation for virtual reality content creation. The workstation features stitching, stabilization, editorial, visual effects, titling, color correction, finishing and playback. It is available for lease on a short-term or long-term basis, and comes with the same 24/7/365 technical support and service that Hula provides for editing systems, media storage and networking projects.



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