With the rollout of DTS:X for immersive audio bitstream, IAB-compliant digital cinema packages will be labeled IAB in the composition playlist. Executives at DTS and GDC Technology Limited, a licensee of DTS Surround, DTS:X and DTS:X with IAB, want to clear up any confusion people might have about the technology. To that end, I spoke with Patrick Artiaga, senior director, business development, GDC Technology about the relatively new technology. Here is that conversation.
Digital Cinema Report: Is it true that only Dolby Atmos auditoriums can play Atmos DCPs?
Patrick Artiaga: No. The SMPTE ST 2098-2 established an immersive audio bitstream standard that allows IAB-enabled auditoriums the capability to play DCPs that may use the IAB or Atmos naming convention.
DCR: Can you play DTS:X DCPs in an Atmos auditorium?
PA: No. Only auditoriums with DTS:X rendering license and KDM can play DTS:X DCPs.
As the motion picture industry transitions to IAB DCPs, some studios will continue to release DTS:X DCPs until they completely transition to IAB DCPs.
DCR: Can an auditorium play an IAB DCP without DTS:X, Atmos, or AuroMax processor?
PA: No. The IAB DCP contains the immersive audio delivery file.
The IAB DCP requires an immersive audio key delivery message and IAB-capable processor to properly render and direct the audio to its designated sound placement in the auditorium.
DCR: Can I advertise my auditorium as Atmos or AuroMax compatible if I install DTS:X for IAB?
PA: No. Each IAB-capable processor has its own licensing agreements and proprietary technologies. IAB is the interoperable immersive audio format on which the industry has agreed and standardized.
While all IAB capable processors can play the same IAB DCPs, only the auditorium featuring DTS:X licensed technology can only be promoted as DTS:X, regardless of the types of DCPs being played.
DCR: Aren’t all immersive audio rendering systems the same?
PA: No. Each format offers unique features, rendering algorithms, and optimization approaches, it is essential to consider the specific attributes and capabilities of each rendering solution when selecting an immersive audio system.
DTS:X for IAB offers a flexible design configuration that optimizes the immersive audio performance of each auditorium. DTS:X for IAB is completely interoperable with DCPs labeled either IAB, Atmos, or DTS:X.