High Dynamic Range

The Color of Emotions

Tue, 03/06/2018 - 15:11 -- Nick Dager

Screen actors convey emotion in several ways: their voices, their eyes and the subtle color changes of their facial skin. But what if – as in the case of Gary Oldman’s Oscar-winning performance in Darkest Hour – much of their face is covered in silicone? That was one of the key questions Peter Doyle, supervising colorist at Technicolor, addressed when he collaborated on the film’s palette.

Ymagis Group Announces EclairColor HDR License Program

Mon, 01/15/2018 - 12:38 -- Nick Dager

The Ymagis Group today announced the launch of a professional license program for its EclairColor high dynamic range system in favor of independent film laboratories, content services companies and projection system integrators. EclairColor used by filmmakers and content creators to significantly enhance the cinema experience by bringing richer colors, greater brightness and definition, more depth of field and more density to the screen.

FotoKem Creates Star Wars Workflow

Thu, 01/04/2018 - 11:46 -- Nick Dager

FotoKem was the facility of choice for providing comprehensive creative and technical services from pre-production through final deliverables on the critically acclaimed Star Wars: The Last Jedi from Disney/Lucasfilm. The facility built technically advanced solutions that supported the creative team through their interplanetary production from dailies to color grade.



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